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Baby Name Stories
When my husband and I found out we were pregnant, we were in the process of relocating from South Africa (where my husband is from) to the United States …
Baby Name Stories
My husband and I met while we were in the Navy. Before we even got married or pregnant we had a conversation about baby names and we had both …
Baby Name Stories
My youngest daughter was a surprise because we were taking precautions to not get pregnant until I fully healed from the last c-section. The last delivery went bad due …
Baby Name Stories
Trying to come up with Ashyia name was a complex process for me and and my husband, Martin. After their daughter was born, the couple had a 30-day deadline …
Name Gender: Male Name Meaning: Messenger of God, Angel Name Origin: Italian Back to A Boy Names | Back to All Names
Baby Name Stories
My second daughter was a struggle during much of my pregnancy. I almost miscarried with her at three months when I began bleeding profusely and had to be rushed …
Baby Name Stories
My first child was an acrobat in the womb with her spinning somersaults on the ultrasound screen. The doctor could keep a solid heartbeat on the monitor, so used …
Baby Name Stories
My family felt strongly about your name from the time you were born, it was just one of several on a list when we entered the hospital. Our main …
Baby Name Stories
It was very apparent that during my previous pregnancy my relationship would not last at it seemed as though at times my husband was too comfortable with just living …
Baby Name Stories
I became pregnant at the age of 19 and did not expect all of what I encountered my first pregnancy and swore it would be a one time thing. …