Mia Alice Rose Taylor – The baby name story behind the name

The reason I chose my baby’s name is because I loved the name Mia right from the start. The reasoning behind her middle names is because Alice is my nans middle name and she is a very hard working person and she never gives up, also because Alice was my great great nans name who was also a very strong woman whom also battled cancer on more than one occasion. Also, because my ex partners mums name was Alison and unfortunately she had her life taken by 2 girls before Mia was born. She was such a lovely woman always making everyone laugh! And for Rose because my mums favorite flower is a rose and my mum is a hard working person who always puts people before anyone else. Also because me and Mia had a very hard time when I was pregnant with her with a threatened miscarriage and an ectopic heart beat we was both rushed to and from hospital with a threatened emergency c section. As soon as she was born we had to have antibiotics pumped into us both due to blood poisoning which could have resulted in us both dying.

The baby name story for Mia Alice Rose Taylor was submitted by Vannaa.

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