We all remember the songs “The Wheels on the Bus” and “The Farmer in the Dell”, because they are some of the most played songs on TV shows and in kids’ toys. Until I had a baby, however, I had forgotten some of the other childhood songs I once loved. I’ve since played a number of these songs for my little one and watched her react joyfully. I can tell which songs she especially loves because of the way she perks up and starts to kick along to their tune. Here are five childhood songs you’ll remember and your baby will love:
- The Ants Go Marching—c’mon, you remember the chorus, “and they all go marching down to the ground to get out of the rain, Boom! Boom! Boom!” There’s something about the tune and the Boom! Boom! Boom! that gives my little one happy feet.
- Five Little Monkeys—“mama called the doctor and the doctor said, ‘’no more monkeys jumpin’ on the bed!”” This song has a playful chorus that keeps my little one entertained. I imagine, as she gets older, we’ll be able to shake our fingers together while we sing the chorus and tell those monkeys to stop jumpin on the bed.
- Apples & Bananas—this song has a gentle melody. My little one loves the facial expressions I make while I sing, “I like to eat, eat, eat, eat opples and bononos.”
- Six Little Ducks—nothing beats a fast and upbeat, “quack, quack, quack.” I love using our daughter’s little yellow ducky while singing the chorus. She loves it too!
- Alice the Camel—depending on which preschool you went to or which version you heard, it could be Sally the Camel or Rosie the Camel, too! “So ride, Alice, ride. Boom. Boom.Boom. Boom!” I think this song will be great to use for counting when my little one gets bigger. But, she’s 3 months old now, so again, she mostly likes how I sing along to the boom.boom.boom.boom part of the chorus and do a little jingle with her.
There are tons of other wonderful childhood songs, but I love how I can incorporate hand motions and play into these ones. My baby isn’t at the age where she can mimic any of my movements, but these songs allow me to get super animated, and that—along with the fun tempos—makes her giggly and wiggly.
By Holly M.
BabyChatter Contributor