Category: Baby Name Stories
Baby Name Stories
When I found out I was having a little boy, I had no clue what I was going to name him. I had only thought of girls’ names up …
Baby Name Stories
My first child, I was 17 and I was sure he was going to be as bad as I was so I named him Damien for his first name …
Baby Name Stories
Submitted by Shawnisha S. When I was pregnant with my first daughter I was having vivid dreams of how she would look and what she would be like and …
Baby Name Stories
I created my daughters first name myself after lots of thought, hours of research and vast amounts of mental exhaustion. LOL! The first part, “Ally” , as I’m sure …
Baby Name Stories
With both of our children it was a little hard finding the perfect name. But once we sit down and got to really thinking about it, there was no …
Baby Name Stories
Submitted by Aurelia B. Once I learned of my pregnancy, I was extremely excited. I thought for quite some time that I was unable to conceive. After many ultrasound …
Baby Name Stories
Submitted by Jessica H. I have an almost 5 year old son! When I named him I wanted to name him something different and I also wanted to incorporate …
Baby Name Stories
Submitted by Kylie G. My husband and I have had a boy’s name picked out for years! We knew if we had another boy we would call him Damon, …
Baby Name Stories
Submitted by Kayti L. After the initial shock of finding out we were having a baby, my boyfriend and I began to think about what we should name our …
Baby Name Stories
I was at the hospital giving birth and I thought I was having a boy so I had a boy name in mind but then my doctor told me …