As the seventh President of the United States, Andrew Jackson and his wife Rachel Donelson Jackson, cared for many children, Many of the children were related, but some of them were not related at all.

President Mother (guardian) Child’s Name
Andrew Jackson Rachel Donelson Jackson
Adopted Indian boy, no other information known Theodore
The son of Rachel’s brother Severn Donelson Andrew Jackson Jr.
An adopted Creek Indian orphan Lyncoya Jackson
Son of Rachel’s deceased brother Samuel Donelson John Samuel Donelson
Son of Rachel’s deceased brother Samuel Donelson Daniel Smith Donelson
Son of Rachel’s deceased brother Samuel Donelson Andrew Jackson Donelson
Rachel’s orphaned grand nephew Andrew Jackson
Orphaned child of a family friend, Edward Butler Carolina Butler
Orphaned child of a family friend, Edward Butler Eliza Butler
Orphaned child of a family friend, Edward Butler Edward Butler
Orphaned child of a family friend, Edward Butler Anthony Butler
Information compiled from
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