Baby Name Name Origin Name Meaning
Aaliyah, Aliya, Aliyah Hebrew/Arabic To ascend up, & highly exalted
Abia Arabic Great
Abigail Hebrew Sourceof Joy, Father of Joy,  A Father’s Joy
Acacia Greek Thorny Tree
Ada Teutonic Prosperous, Happy
Adah Hebrew Beauty, Beautiful Ornament, Adornment
Adalia Teutonic Noble
Addison Old English Son of Adam
Adelaide Teutonic Noble, Of Good Cheer
Adele German Noble, Kind
Adine, Adina Hebrew Delicate, Noble
Adora Latin Much Adored
Adria, Adrienne **** Feminine of Adrian
Adsila Native America Blossom
Agatha Greek The Good
Agnes Greek Pure, Gentle
Aileen Irish Form of Helen, Light Bearer
Ailsa Scottish – Hebrew Name of a Scottish island, Ailsa Craig

Consecrated to God
Aimee French Beloved
Aine Irish Gaelic Brightness, Joy
Airlia Greek Ethereal
Aislinn, Aislin, Aisling Irish Dream or Vision
Akako Japanese Red, Red Child
Akasma Turkish White Climbing Rose
Aki Japanese Bright, Sparkle, Born in the Fall
Akina Japanese Spring Flower
Alanna Celtic Fair
Alarice Teutonic Ruler
of All
Alberta German, Old English Noble, Bright
Alda Teutonic Rich
Aldora Greek Winged Gift
Alethea Greek Truth, Sincerity
Aleta,Aletta Latin- English – 
Greek – 
Spanish – 
Bird-Like Winged
Truthful One
Little Winged One
Alexandra Greek Defender of Mankind
Alexandria Greek Defender of Mankind, City name of states in Virginia, Minnesota and Louisiana, Egypt
Alexis Greek Defender, Protector
Alfreda Old English Counselor of Elves, Feminine Form of Alfred
Ali Arabic Highest, Sublime
Alice Teutonic Noble, Of Good Cheer
Alisa Hebrew Happiness
Alina Celtic Fair
Alison Teutonic Of Sacred Fame
Allegra Italian Cheerful, Lively
Alma Latin Nourishing
Almeta Latin Ambitious
Almira Arabic Princess
Aloysia Teutonic Famous in War
Althea Greek Wholesome, Healing
Alva Spanish-Latin Fair
Alvina English Friend of the Elves
Alvita Latin Vivacious
Alysia Greek Captivating
Alyssa Greek Rational, Logical
Amabelle Latin Loveable
Amal Arabic Hope, Expectation
Amanda Latin Loveable
Amara Greek Unfading, Eternally Beautiful
Amaryllis Greek Fresh, Sparkling
Amber Arabic Brownish Yellow, Semi-Precious Gem
Ambrosine Greek Immortal
Amelia English, Latin Hardworking, Industrious, Striving
Amina Arabic Trustworthy, Honest
Amity Latin Friendship, 
Virtue Name
Amorette Latin Beloved
Amorette French Little Love
Amorita Latin Beloved
Amy English, Latin Loved

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